Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Alex Westerh

I believe everyone has their own path in life to take where ever they want it to go.

Everyone believes something different depending on where they are from, who has been part of their life and how they got to their current point in life. These along with many other factors help to influence their life.

With everyone coming from different places I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it is wrong to censor or try to suppress views.

My life path has taken me to this point because of my involvement in journalism throughout the past three years of high school. Journalism has taught me the importance of a freedom of viewpoints and individuality.

Since then I have known I wanted to be a journalist for the rest of my life despite all of the people who doubt the career.

Many people have told me to go into something that will make me money and my dad halfheartedly jokes that it is not too late to go to med school. But my mind has already been made up a long time ago, the unique path I have chosen for myself leads to being a journalist.

There other half of people is convinced I will not succeed on my path. I have had a teacher tell me that I was going to end up failing out of college but proving those people wrong is what makes the road to success so much more fun.

I also believe in having fun at all times, people should do whatever makes them happy.

There are very few points in my life where I am not happy and I think it is because I do not take a second of this life for granted. I realize how lucky I have it and that not everyone is happy with the path they have chosen.

As long as I keep doing what makes me happy I will consider myself to be a successful person because this is my path to take.

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